Unlocking Collective Wisdom by Empowering Smarter Decisions

Providing research and thought leadership on Collective Intelligence in AI-enabled hybrid teams, organizations and communities

Holistic, Anti-disciplinary Thinking

We view Collective Intelligence as a perspective for harnessing human ingenuity, creativity and resilience in an increasingly connected and dynamic world.

On a Research Mission

Our competence is based on our internationally recognized research achievements and experience in applied research.

Hyperlinking Brains and Algorithms

We conduct research and engage with professionals, academics, activists, managers, and policymakers, to advance collective performance through human-AI collaboration.

Our Mission

The CAIR Institute acts as a think tank and research-as-a-service provider with the aim to leverage the power of human-AI interaction. Our research builds on relevant scholarly and empirically founded insights.

Collective Intelligence

Collective Intelligence addresses the phenomena of collective performance, understanding and action. At CAIR Institute, we study how collective intelligence and adaptation can be stimulated and reinforced using digital infrastructures like generative AI. This allows us to create new ways of working, understanding and organizing.

Our Approach

Our goal is to leverage the potential of hybrid, people-AI networks and ecosystems. We are research partners for all kinds of organizations and initiatives to analyze and design collective environments embedded in digital infrastructures. 

We develop methods that help teams reflect on their decision-making and innovation practices - to uncover which communication and organization structures drive efficiency within their organization and beyond. We support leaders in initiating strategic transformation design, and in guiding teams through dynamic transformation processes.

In this transformative journey, the integration of AI-enabled digital tools and platforms plays a pivotal role. They not only empower organizations to enhance their collective decision-making capabilities but also amplify their overall potential for growth and success.

Our experts are open to discussing your company's or institution's collective and AI strategies in a variety of ways. Let's work together to drive success and grow resilience through effective decision-making and collaboration.

Presentations, Online Courses & Conversations

Learning about recent advances in Collective, Artificial and Hybrid Intelligence

Understanding how to initiate change and progress towards future-ready organization

Meeting with professionals and academics to discuss conditions for resilience

Workshops & Bootcamps

Raising awareness across teams about how to use generative AI for improving collective decision-making

Reflecting on opportunities for transformation in your organization

Communication & Technology Analysis

Reflecting your organization's communication and decision-making structures

Identifying opportunities for implementing collective action approaches in your organization to become adaptive

Strategic Transformation Design

Piloting and setting up change initiatives and projects

Coaching executive protagonists throughout transformation processes

Governance advisory in initiating and overseeing strategic transformations and collective performance

make contact

If your business or public institution is interested in how Collective Intelligence can advance your organization, contact us today.

E-Mail: office@cair-institute.eu

Head Office: Hermann-Kurz-Str. 17, Stuttgart, 70192, Germany

© 2024 CAIR Institute. All rights reserved.

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